Wednesday May 14, 2014
Economic Update - Corporations, Wages and Jail - 05/14/14
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Updates on no growth in US, China overtakes US, costs of GM bailout, defeat of bill to raise minimum wage while Hawaii raises its minimum. Major discussions of Pfizer decision to relocate to UK, European Court supports Tobin (financial transactions) Tax and the stunning economics of prisons and jails in the US.
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Economic Update - Shameful Economics - 05/07/14
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Updates on Alabama prison/slave labor, automobile irrationalities, and the California drought. Major discussions of: cutting public employee pensions, cutting state support for public higher education, and lotteries as disguised taxes on middle and poor Americans. Responses to listener questions on the Federal Reserve "creating" money and why corporations operate overseas and then want government (taxpayers') support for corporations' foreign operations.
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Economic Update - Culture and Economics - 04/30/14
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Updates on public power in Nebraska, Earth Day, Coca Cola's misleading advertisement, closing hospitals. Interview on culture and economic crisis with musician and music professor John Halle. Responses to listener questions on B-corporations and on a Wall Street Sales Tax.
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Economic Update - Tax Injustices - 04/17/14
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Updates on how inequality persists across generations, the nonsense of "taxes are job killers", governor uses tax revenues to prevent unionization in a private enterprise. Major discussion of state and local taxes in the US, the economics of paying executives very high incomes, and the privatization of public services. Response to listener's question on recent Medicare report on oversize payouts to doctors.
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Economic Update - Bankers and Presidents - 04/10/14
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Updates on O'Reilly vs de Blasio, Greek bonds, millions for Detroit's athletes, and who pays federal taxes. Interview with Nomi Prins, ex-Goldman Sachs banker, on new book All the Presidents' Bankers. Response to listener on where and why Congress refuses to act (taxing rich, helping poor, reducing inequality, etc.) despite US poll results showing big majorities supporting those actions.
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Economic Update - Building Worker Coops - 04/03/14
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Updates on Supreme Court McCutcheon decision on campaign financing, global meaning of French municipal elections, special impacts on women of raising minimum wages, and corporations' cash hoards cause unemployment and cut government services. Interview with Vanessa Bransburg who supports and builds successful worker coops in Brooklyn, New York. Response to listener on scarcity and its economic effects.
Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Economic Extremes - 03/27/14
Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Economic Update - This System Does not Work - 02/25/14
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Updates on Olympics, Chicago university faculty strike, Chevron's contempt, Gallup poll on unemployment, rising consumer debt again, Europeans oppose privatization of water, and US adults marry less to cope with economy. Major discussions: how Soviet socialism actually worked and decline and inadequacy of pensions in US. Response to listeners on deflation in today's world economy.
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Economic Update - Capitalism's Inequalities - 02/18/14
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Updates on polls showing most Americans want less inequality, why Tea Party types fixate on government debt, and why French and other far right parties gain support. Major discussion on US business recognizing death of middle class, the contradictions of Germany's position within Europe's economic crisis, and Part 1 of analysis of what USSR was. Response to listeners on why official unemployment targets are 4-6.5 % rather than feasible and better 0-0.5 %
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Economic Update - Public vs Private Enterprise - 02/11/14
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Updates on economic democracy from Jackson, MS to Marseilles, France; credit card scandals; phony labels for chicken; and overcharging inmates for calls. Major discussions of re-municipalization of water and electric utilities; post office banking; and new book on capitalism's inequalities. Response to audience questions on TPP, corp tax breaks and minimum wage.